Wednesday, November 23, 2016
A session of the Executive Committee of the General Confederation of Trade Union (GCTU) was held in Moscow 17 November 2016.
Its participants heard a report on the progress of the GCTU campaign “Minimum Wage at Least Equal to Subsistence Minimum!” The discussion showed that in most countries of the region the unions had failed to win an indexation of the minimum wage that would keep in line with the current price rises. In some states, the minimum level of work remuneration had not been revised for years in a row. Nor had any methods been designed for calculating the cost of the minimum consumer basket, which hampers the formal adoption of the minimum wage rate.
GCTU member-organisations had rejected proposals made by some economists that the minimum pay should be calculated by a percentage of the average wage. Theys also dismissed as unacceptable the persistent attempts to illegally incorporate all kinds of compensation, incentive and social payments into the minimum wage. The Executive Committee decided to continue the campaign in the coming year.
The meeting also reviewed the contribution made by the GCTU affiliates to this year’s World Day for Decent Work. The Confederation had proposed that this WDDW be observed under slogans closely linked to the specific problems and circumstances in each of the countries or industries. Participants noted that the solidarity actions held by trade unions in the region have once again confirmed that they possess impressive potential for mobilising their members. The Executive Committee called on the affiliates to continue promoting the principles and objectives of the ILO’s Decent Work Agenda, and make bolder use of international labour standards in their work.
The Committee approved in principle the proposed amendments to the GCTU Charter, and decided to continue working on the draft, so that the results could be presented to the next meeting of the Executive Committee in April 2017.
Participants adopted a special Appeal on the 25th Anniversary of the General Confederation of Trade Unions to be marked in April 2017.